About me.

1 day at time. This is the way in which I attempt to tackle life and its so many surprises every day. It has been the only way I have been able to hone in on skills that aid in navigating my undergraduate career at Rutgers University, where I major in Communication, with a Specialization in Strategic Public Communication and Public Relations, and a minor in DCIM. I hope to further my education in pursuing a Master of Science in Business of Fashion.

My success is built on a foundation of experiences that have shaped me into who I am. These life lessons started with my parents, who both migrated to this country, probably not imagining to be the parents of 5 children. My family has provided endless support in any and all of my endeavors. Yet, I have been blessed to receive lessons from so many different people, from my closest friends to professors I have had over the years. Lessons I strive to incorporate not only when facing adversity, but every day.

One of my favorite hobbies is writing. While my recent years in university have allowed me less time to explore my creativity within this past time, it has from a young age been something I thoroughly enjoy. With my writing I hope to inspire, to tell stories, and to communicate just a little but of who I am with each word.

My most recent work experience at the Law Offices of Jason Scott Camilo, has sparked an interest into a realm I had never previously imagined myself in, and it’s not law; rather business. Having to integrate into such a fast-paced environment, has allowed me to develop my multitasking skills, and my ability to think quick on my feet. While my attention to detail can occasionally be one of my faults, I always aim to use it as an advantage. Post graduation I hope to be able to combine my two interests, fashion and business, and apply my skills by being a leader within the high-end fashion industry, hopefully in the position of an editor-in-chief of a couture magazine.

I would best describe myself as a good listener. This is important because not only does it require me to be able to pay attention to detail, but also to be able to understand and elaborate. I find that my success in this has only been executed by a trait my parents instilled in me: sympathy. Being able to acknowledge that you may never know what a person is going through or when you may find yourself in the same position. More importantly, being a good listener has also meant doing something that many people are afraid and something so many of my mentors have taught me: asking questions.